Find travel to Spain

Last minute trip to Spain - find cheap holiday

Find travel to SpainLast minute trips to Spain (or other countries) are not as widespread a phenomenon as they were a few years ago. Back then, round trips were really cheap, and many people even made it a point to go out, for example, to Arlanda and get on the first best round trip with the destination the sun. Such a trip did not cost many hundreds of dollars at all. However, the industry has, via various rule changes etc., made last-minute trips a little more expensive. The problem was also that many ended up in remote locations, or in substandard hotel rooms, sometimes even without bathrooms.


Over time, the Swede became more discerning and more quality-conscious. But cross-country trips are still a good way to find a cheap trip to the warmth! According to travel agencies we spoke with, the vast majority of holiday packages these days are also of high quality.

Things to think about when you book a last minute trip to Spain

Prices are, as expected, lowest during low season. Above all, it becomes more difficult to find a bargain a couple of weeks into the summer holidays and until the start of school. The most dramatic price increase occurs after midsummer.

The range of vacations is at its greatest at the beginning of each new year because the average person has blown their budget during Christmas and New Year at the same time as there are a couple of months until the next big holiday (the sports holiday). Easter is also a busy time when many choose to go to Spain. Order well in advance if you want to go during Easter .

In general, we recommend traveling to southern Spain in June or September. Then the weather is very good, but not too hot, and the prices for hotels and flights (as well as various tourist attractions, restaurants, etc.) are a little lower than the high season and all the bars and restaurants are open while you don't have to stand in line to fit.

How many holiday trips are available, and how cheap they are, depends a lot on how the weather in Sweden looks like . The weather has such a big impact that even last year's weather affects the next season's prices!

Trying to see a pattern in exactly which day before departure, or during which time of day, when it is cheapest to order a return trip is completely impossible. It can make a difference of several hundreds of Swedish Krona in price just a couple of hours after you look, up or down. If you find a destination you feel you want to visit, and the price feels right, our advice is to go for it and not look back at the prices. Maybe you "won" maybe you "lost". It doesn't really matter, the main thing is that you get off to Spain.

It is not always a rest trip is the same as someone canceling a trip at the last minute.
Often it is simply the case that a travel company has set a goal of making x number of sales by a given date. If they then do not reach this goal, the starting price of the trip is lowered. However, this usually does not happen at the "last minute" but several weeks, if not months, before the departure date. When prices are at their lowest, we think it's stupid to take a chance on unspecified (you won't save that much on it). Another option is that you only order a flight seat at the last minute. But, don't book a hotel on the spot. Most hotels have agreements with booking agencies, which means that it will actually be more expensive to book directly from the hotel. Here you will find the best prices online at Spanish hotels. See also Here you can read about the best online prices for flights to Spain . And here you will find some information about rental cars, which are generally very cheap down there.