Cheap accommodation in Barcelona

The newest luxury hotel in town
There are plenty of good hotels in Barcelona

Barcelona has become one of the absolute most popular travel destinations in Sweden in recent years. This is mostly due to the addition of lots of cheap flight options , but also to the attention that surrounded the city when Zlatan played in FC Barcelona. Barcelona's fantastic mix of beaches, shopping, parties, culture, history and restaurants make the city an eternal favourite. Travel guide Barcelona.

Many people ask us about cheap accommodation in Barcelona as it can be difficult to choose in the jungle of different actors operating on the market.
If you are looking for accommodation in the form of a hotel room, we primarily recommend reliable, which has a fantastic range of hotels in all price ranges. Last minute deals on hotels in Barcelona.

For renting an apartment or apartment hotel, Sembo is also a good choice . They also have a wide range, with something to suit all target groups, such as for families with children, for couples looking for peace, or for young people who want to live relatively cheaply in party areas.

Long stay Barcelona

If you were thinking of renting an apartment or house in Barcelona long-term, we recommend that you get in touch with us, as the bank we work with has started to rent out more and more rental properties (however, they are rented out quickly so there is not an abundance of homes to choose from, but for those looking for a cheap alternative, it's unbeatable). These are apartments in the city that have been repossessed by the bank, and while waiting for them to be sold, they are being rented out. Much cheaper way than that you will not get hold of a central apartment in Barcelona for rent.

Write to for more information about this. Enter name (first name and last name), when you want to rent your home and phone number. We will then forward your request to Holabank, who will return with proposals for housing. From €245 per month (this price does not apply to the central parts of the city, of course) and upwards.

Also keep in mind that Barcelona, ​​like most European cities, is an expensive city. If you want to live centrally and fresh, you can't get away with a low budget. An alternative in that case is that you get accommodation in one of the city's suburbs, which is clearly cheaper.

However, the interest in living in Barcelona is not as great as it is in vacationing in the city. Most Swedes prefer to go to Solkusten when they are looking for a permanent residence.

Also read : Everything you need to know about real estate investing, numbers, statistics, ROI, and more.

It is possible to rent cheaply long-term through banks